All right! All right! You’re lucky I’m c...

The Crimson Cap Ladies Take on Vegas

Inspector Gruber

See more monologues from Chris McKerracher


All right! All right! You’re lucky I’m crazy about kale dip. We heard there was a diamond smuggling ring operating in the city and a big deal is going down this weekend at this hotel. It is rumored the M’Benga Diamond collection stolen from the South African government vaults in 1979 have surfaced. That’s all we know right now. I don’t know what they are worth but there is a million dollar finder’s fee for them. Because we have to check out every lead, no matter how unlikely, we are interviewing everyone, especially foreigners like you ladies.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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