Explore Quizzes About Plays

Attempt to pass our quizzes about stage plays. Try to earn a spot on the StageAgent Member Leaderboard!
Theatre Quizzes & Trivia

Quizzes and trivia about plays and playwrights

Shows Writers

A 10-point 'Voyage'!

An intermediate quiz on the first play in Tom Stoppard's Coast of Utopia trilogy

Shows Writers

Salvage: Intermediate Quiz

A 10-point quiz on Tom Stoppard's play Salvage

Shows Writers

Metamorphosis Quiz

Do you know Steven Berkoff's adaptation of Kafka's novella?

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for Oedipus El Rey

Did all come to pass as the prophecy foretold?

Shows Writers

Advanced quiz for The Sparrow

Do you know where the play The Sparrow came from?

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for Six Degrees of Separation (True or False)

A true or false quiz to see how well you followed this play's complicated story!

Shows Writers

Intermediate Quiz for Chimerica

Aced the beginner's quiz? Now take this one!

Shows Writers

Character Quiz for Leopoldstadt

Who is who in this huge array of characters?!

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for Mojo

Think you know Jez Butterworth's play well? Take our advanced quiz to find out!

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz: War Horse

Dig deep into the world of War Horse to answer these questions.

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for Lysistrata

Passed our beginner's test? Now see how well you REALLY know Lysistrata!

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Test your knowledge with this advanced quiz!