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Theatre Quizzes & Trivia

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General Knowledge

Audition Prep: Rehearsing Monologues

There's no reason to rehearse a monologue, is there?

General Knowledge

Audition Prep: Rehearsing Songs

Listen to it and you will learn it, right? Wrong!

General Knowledge

Audition Prep: Your Audition Book

What do you know about pulling together your "book"?

General Knowledge

Audition Prep: Musical Theatre Dance

Get ready to da-ance!

General Knowledge

Audition Prep: After the Audition: What Now?

The hard part is still to come...

General Knowledge

Audition Prep: Understanding Financial Aid

What do you know about scholarships and grants?

General Knowledge

Audition Prep: Finding and Cutting Songs

So do you need scissors to cut a song?

General Knowledge

Audition Prep: Making the Choice

What are the best reasons for choosing a program?

General Knowledge

Audition Prep: Things Most Students Forget

Did you remember to brush your teeth?

General Knowledge

Beginner's Quiz on British Accents

Have you perfected the various accents around the UK yet?

General Knowledge

Audition Prep: For the Parents

What do parents need to know about this crazy audition prep process?

General Knowledge

Beginner's Quiz on Performing British Pantomime

Are you ready to take on the Dame? Or maybe you're more of an evil villain?!