HELEN What smells! (Helen picks flow...

The Wife, The Noble and The Mistress

Joan Ridley Helen Meredith

See more scenes from Christopher Brian Langley


HELEN What smells!

(Helen picks flowers from every color around into a bouquet.)

HELEN What smells! What smells! Everything is so divine, and the smells are so wonderful! Something curated with a steady hand and turn in a world of such beauty and --

(Helen stumbles out of the brush and bumps into Joan who is picking a set of white flowers. She’s not excited to see Helen as she is. Joan continues with her work.)

HELEN Oh. Hi. I didn’t see you there.

No response.

HELEN I was just walking around the manor and I stumble onto this garden. It is amazing,

(No Response.)

HELEN It complements the house so well. It’s like a collage of colors and such wonderful smells.

(No Response. Joan just keeps her head down and continues to hoe the soil in front of her.)

HELEN Theodore does such a


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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