START: Mr. Smith: Oh! How do you do. _(H...

The Bald Soprano

Mr. Smith Mrs. Smith Mr. Martin Mrs. Martin Mary The Fire Chief

See more scenes from Eugène Ionesco


START: Mr. Smith: Oh! How do you do. (He glances at Mrs. Smith and the Martins, who are all surprised.) It’s the Fire Chief!

Fire Chief: (He of course is in uniform and is wearing an enormous shining helmet.) Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. (The Smiths and the Martins are still slightly astonished. Mrs. Smith turns her head away, in a temper, and does not reply to his greeting.) Good evening, Mrs. Smith. You appear to be angry.

Mrs. Smith: Oh!

Mr. Smith: You see it’s because my wife is a little chagrined at having been proved wrong.

[... … …]

END: Fire Chief: (Moving towards the door, then stopping) Speaking of that--the bald soprano? (General silence, embarrassment)

Mrs. Smith: She always wears her hair in the same style.

Fire Chief: Ah! Then goodbye, ladies and gentlemen.


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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