START: Corie: Well . . . how about _that...

Barefoot in the Park

Corie Bratter Paul Bratter

See more scenes from Neil Simon


START: Corie: Well . . . how about that Mr. “This is going to be a fiasco tonight?” He’s taking her all the way out to New Jersey . . . at two o’clock in the morning . . . That’s what I call “The Complete Gentleman.” (Paul looks at her with disdain, rises and staggers up the stairs into the bedroom.) He hasn’t even given a thought about how he’s going to get home . . . Maybe he’ll sleep over . . . Hey, Paul, do you think . . . ? No, not my mother . . . (Jumps onto couch) Then again anything can happen with the Sheik of Budapest . . . Boy, what a night . . . Hey! I got a plan. Let’s take the bottle of scotch downstairs, ring all the bells and yell “Police” . . . Just to see who comes out of whose apartment . . . (There’s no answer from the bedroom.) Paul? . . . What’s the matter, darling .

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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