AMY (coming down R. to LORD FANCOURT). M...

Charley's Aunt

Jack Chesney Charley Wykeham Lord Fancourt "Babbs" Babberley Kitty Verdun Amy Spettigue

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AMY (coming down R. to LORD FANCOURT). May I arrange these for you, Donna Lucia?

(LORD FANCOURT takes flowers out of dress and hands her them.)

After all, you know, we have some nice weather sometimes in poor old England.

(Turns to CHARLEY, then joins KITTY at C. table. CHARLEY then goes L. of LORD FANCOURT.)

LORD FANCOURT (aside to JACK). What on earth does she mean by that?

JACK. Why, you're a foreigner.

LORD FANCOURT. A foreigner! What did you say my name was?

JACK. Donna Lucia d'Alvadorez.

LORD FANCOURT. What am I? Irish?

CHARLEY (L. side of him). No, English. Married a Portuguese abroad.

JACK. A widow.

CHARLEY. From Brazil.

JACK. And a millionaire.

LORD FANCOURT (to CHARLEY). I say, Charley, have I any children?

CHARLEY. No, you fool!

(CHARLEY. kicks chair as before. LORD FANCOURT


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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