Enter Beatrice. Beat. Oh, Truffaldino...

The Servant of Two Masters

Truffaldino Battochio Beatrice Rasponi

See more scenes from Carlo Goldoni


Enter Beatrice. Beat. Oh, Truffaldino! Truff. [aside]. The devil! Beat. Did Signor Pantalone dei Bisognosi give you a purse of a hundred ducats? Truff. Yes, sir, indeed he did. Beat. Then why did you not give it to me? Truff. Was it meant for your honour? Beat. Was it meant for me? what did he say when he gave you the purse? Truff. He told me I was to give it to my master. Beat. Well, and who is your master? Truff. Your honour. Beat. Then why do you ask if the purse is mine? Truff. Then it will be yours. Beat. Where is it? Truff. Here, sir. [Gives Beatrice the purse.] Beat. Is the money all there? Truff. I never touched it, sir. Beat. [aside]. I shall count it. Truff. [aside]. I made a mistake over the purse; but that puts it straight. I wonder what the other gentleman


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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