**Pentheus** Move away from him. He's no...

The Bacchae

Dionysus Pentheus

See more scenes from Euripides


Pentheus Move away from him. He's no bother while he's chained like that. He's not that fast that he'll escape me.

 He examines Dionysus thoroughly.

Hmmm. Physically, you're not unattractive, stranger. Just like the women for whom you came here, in Thebes. Nice, long plaits, hair that hasn't felt hard work, and, for a greater sexual effect, it's spilled all around your beard. Your skin is lovely and white because you take good care of it, I see. You don't expose it to the sun's rays and you stay in the shade all day, hunting Aphrodite's beauty.

 But first, tell me, what is your race? Where are you from?

Dionysus That's an easy question to answer. You've heard of Tmolos of the many blooms?

Pentheus Yes, I've heard of Tmolos. That's the place that surrounds Sardis.

Dionysus That's where I'm


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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