FROSTY: Thumpity, thump, thump. Thumpity...

The Santa Interviews

Gimble Frosty the Snowman

See more scenes from Wade Bradford


FROSTY: Thumpity, thump, thump. Thumpity, thump thump! Hi Gimble!

GIMBLE: Frosty! Hey, you old snowman, how have you been?

FROSTY: I've been feeling a little on the slushy side. Darn global warming.

GIMBLE: May I take your hat?

FROSTY: Why thanks so much! (He takes off his hat. Magical music plays and Frosty suddenly stands completely still.)

GIMBLE: (Holding Frosty's hat.) Frosty? Frosty? You froze up for some reason. Oh I forgot! Your magic hat, Without it, you're just a regular snowman! (He puts the hat on Frosty's head.)

FROSTY: Happy Birthday! Where am I?

GIMBLE: You're at a job interview. For the cookie supervisor position. Remember?

FROSTY: That's right. Hi Gimble! How are the wife and kids?

GIMBLE: I don't have any. How's your wife?

FROSTY: Oh, she left me... for an avalanche.


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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