Mom's voice: (Off stage) Jeff? Jeffrey?...

Back to the Summer

Scott Liam Shelley Jeff

See more scenes from Wade Bradford


Mom's voice: (Off stage) Jeff? Jeffrey? Jeffrey Nathan Johnson, answer your mother.

Jeff: Mom, I'm practicing being a super hero!

Mom's voice: Well, use your super powers to take out the trash!

Jeff: Okay. (Stage effects on the other side of the stage.) Whoa! The time travel kids enter.

Scott: I think it worked!

Liam: Hey kids, what's the date today?

Jeff: June 3rd.

Shelley: It works! My time machine works!

Scott: Now let's make the most of this summer.

Liam: yeah. Let's watch TV.

Shelley: Hey, guys, did you notice how everything looks strange.

Scott: Yeah, your TV looks different. It's big and ugly and old.

Liam: Who cares? Turn on MTV. Let's watch Jersey Shore.

Scott: Jersey Shore isn't on. The only thing that's on MTV is music videos.

Liam: What's going on?

Scott: Where are we?



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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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