(A 1600s girl steps out onto the stage....

A History of Messy Rooms

Jamie Mom 1600's Kid Medieval Kid Viking Girl Viking Mother Roman Boy

See more scenes from Wade Bradford


(A 1600s girl steps out onto the stage. She sways from side to side.)

Jamie: Where is she from?

Mom: The 1600s.

Jamie: Why is she swaying back and forth in her bedroom?

Mom: She's not in her bedroom. She's a pilgrim, and she's on a boat, traveling across the Atlantic Ocean.

1600s Kid: get on with the story, please. I am getting sea sick.

Mom: And that little girl was as cantankerous as an old sea dog. And she said...

1600s Kid: I already swabbed the deck. I dusted off the captain's spy scope. I even picked out the rats that were hiding in the pickle barrel.

Jamie: Gross!

1600s Kid: So why do I have to make my bed?

Mom: Her mother clucked her tongue and said, "That reminds me of a story about your double-great-greatgreat-grandfather, when he was a little boy.

Jamie: Now how far back


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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