Osborne : Hullo ! Raleigh : Good evenin...

Journey's End

Osborne Raleigh

See more scenes from R. C. Sherriff


Osborne : Hullo !

Raleigh : Good evening {he notices Osborne's grey hair and adds :) sir.

Osborne : You the new officer ?

Raleigh : Er --- yes. I've been to Battalion Head- quarters. They told me to report here.

Osborne : Good. We've been expecting you. Sit down, won't you ?

Raleigh : Thanks. {He sits gingerly on the box opposite Osborne.)

Osborne : I should take your pack off.

Raleigh : Oh, right. {He slips his pack from his shoulders .)

Osborne : Will you have a drink ?

Raleigh : Er --- well

Osborne : You don't drink whiskey ?

Raleigh {hastily) : Oh, yes --- er --- -just a small one, sir.

Osborne {pouring out a small whiskey and adding water) : Whiskey takes away the taste of the water-

Raleigh : Oh, yes ? (He pauses , and laughs ner- vously .)

Osborne : --- and the water takes away the


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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