Enter OLYMPIA [with a bottle of ointment...

Tamburlaine The Great Part II

Theridamas Olympia

See more scenes from Christopher Marlowe


Enter OLYMPIA [with a bottle of ointment]

OLYMPIA.  Distress'd Olympia, whose weeping eyes,

Since thy arrival here, behold no sun,

But, clos'd within the compass of a tent,

Have stain'd thy cheeks, and made thee look like death,

Devise some means to rid thee of thy life,

 Rather than yield to his detested suit,

Whose drift is only to dishonour thee;

And, since this earth, dew'd with thy brinish tears,

Affords no herbs whose taste may poison thee,

 Nor yet this air, beat often with thy sighs,

Contagious smells and vapours to infect thee,

 Nor thy close cave a sword to murder thee,

 Let this invention be the instrument.


THERIDAMAS.  Well met, Olympia:  I sought thee in my tent,

But, when I saw the place obscure and dark,

Which with thy beauty thou wast wont to light,


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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