Brad: (_Awkward, no flair, still struggl...

Escape Room

Brad Wacy

See more scenes from Wade Bradford


Brad: (Awkward, no flair, still struggling with the spiel) Behold, the Escape Room of Professor Diabolical. Your experience will begin--uh--when the rest of your party arrives. (Gives an awkward bow) How did I do?
Wacy: Is it your first day on the job?
Brad: Second.
Wacy: You're doing great, Brad.
Brad: Thanks Wacy! Hey, is the rest of the team going to be here?
Wacy: They are supposed to be. But I guess they're late as usual.
Brad: Oh, cus I was hoping to get the chance to--
Professor Diabolical is now onstage, listening in to the conversation
Diabolical: (Intentionally interrupting) Ahem.
Brad: (Realizes he is breaking one of the rules) Oh, I'm supposed to stay in character.
Professor Diabolical exits)
Wacy: What character are you playing?
Brad: (Acting awkwardly in


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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