Woman: Good morning, Mrs. Hedgehog. What...


Woman Mrs. Hedgehog Mouse 1 & 2 Uncle Jack

See more scenes from Wade Bradford


Woman: Good morning, Mrs. Hedgehog. What's troubling you?
Mrs. Hedgehog: I have a stomachache.
Woman: Oh, what have you been eating?
Mrs. Hedgehog: Just worms.
Woman: What kind of worms?
Mrs. Hedgehog: The kind with about 100 legs.
Woman: Oh dear, those are centipedes. Chew on these tea leaves. You should feel better by this afternoon.
Mrs. Hedgehog: Thank you! (Hiccups and exits)
(The two mice step forward. The grizzled mouse with the eye-patch lingers behind them)
Mouse #1: (
Lifting up Mouse #2's bent tail
) Sammy's tail is bent again.
Woman: I'll get the pliers. But Sammy, you have to stop getting caught in the farmer's mousetrap.
Mouse #2 (Sammy mouse) I would if he'd stop putting cheese on it.
Woman: (Fixes the mouse's tail) That should do it. And what about your uncle? Oh


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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