OLD MAN: Happiness attend you. Do I find...

The Menaechmi

Menaechmus Sosicles The Wife (of Menaechmus of Epidamnus) Old Man (Wife’s Father)

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OLD MAN: Happiness attend you. Do I find you in good spirits? Do you bid me be fetched in happy mood? Why are you sorrowful? And why does he (pointing at MENAECHMUS) in anger stand apart from you? Something, I know not what, are you two wrangling about between you. Say, in few words, which of the two is in fault: no long speeches, though.

THE WIFE: For my part, I've done nothing wrong; as to that point do I at once make you easy, father. But I cannot live or remain here on any account; you must take me away hence immediately.

OLD MAN: Why, what's the matter?

THE WIFE: I am made a laughing-stock of, father.

OLD MAN: By whom?

THE WIFE: By him to whom you gave me, my husband.

OLD MAN: Look at that -- a quarrel now. How often, I wonder, have I told you to be cautious, that neither should be


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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