LILLIAN I don’t see why we had to come o...

The Maternal Instinct

Lilian Emma Terry

See more scenes from Monica Bauer


LILLIAN I don’t see why we had to come out here to have lunch. There might be traffic on the ring road.

EMMA How many times have I taken you to the airport? And how many times were you late?

LILLIAN Past doesn’t predict the future. Let’s eat quickly and get going.

EMMA Come on, relax. Enjoy the view. So what are these conferences of yours like, anyway? The other women…do they ever talk about normal stuff? You know, life at home, talk about their kids?


EMMA See, that’s interesting. Because when I go to the National Meeting for Cognitive Therapists, I meet the same group of women every year. We show off new pictures of kids and grandkids... Doesn’t ANYBODY

LILLIAN Come to think of it, the woman from Cal Tech has a kid, makes us all look at baby pictures. Oh, I say all the right


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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