(ABBY kisses him lightly on the lips. K...

Mating Dance of the Werewolf

Ken Abby

See more scenes from Mark Stein


(ABBY kisses him lightly on the lips. KEN gets poked by something. He lifts a twig from her hair.)

ABBY: Oh. Sorry. I was in the woods.

KEN: (contemplative) I know.

ABBY: Mind if I jump in the shower? I’m feeling really funky.

KEN: And after the shower you'll tell me what happened?

ABBY: What do you mean?

KEN: On your adventure or whatever. Something happened.

ABBY: Why do you say that?

KEN: A hunch.

(A moment.)

ABBY: I met someone.

KEN: I knew it.

ABBY: Except not really!

KEN: I knew it!!

ABBY: Not another man! Exactly. (then confesses:) He's a wolf.

KEN: You met a wolf?

ABBY: Yes.

KEN: Someone like you, you mean.

ABBY: No, I mean a wolf.

KEN: Full-time?

ABBY: Full time, full-blooded, full... I'm sorry, Ken. Full of something I find I need.

KEN: I'm assuming that “need”


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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