(A dungeon in the palace. Cinderella is...

Cinderella and Buttons

Cinderella Buttons Griselda Prince Rudolf Queen Alexandra King Henry Guard

See more scenes from Gavin Miller


(A dungeon in the palace. Cinderella is on stage with the Guard.)

Cinderella: I want to speak to the king.

Guard: I'm sorry Miss. I am under strict orders not to let you see anyone.

Cinderella: I am queen of half the kingdom. Who has the authority to arrest me?

Guard: Well Miss, I mean Your Majesty, seeing as it's you, I can let you in on a few little secrets. But don't tell anyone or I'm done for.

Cinderella: That's very kind. Thank you.

Guard: Well, the way I see it is this. King Henry is on his death bed and Prince Rudolf and his mum are all for taking over now - before the body's cold as it were. Now it seems as though you've been telling fibs about being Anne-Marie. It's a shame, 'cause we all liked you. But royalty is royalty, and it's not to be messed with. Once the queen proves


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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