Romeo (sits writing): Father Lawrence,...

The Montagues and Capulets

Romeo Montague Rosaline Maria Catherine Friar Lawrence

See more scenes from Gavin Miller


Romeo (sits writing): Father Lawrence, I am in despair. My foolish pride held a veil before my eyes, not seeing until too late the virtues and the charms of the lady Juliet. Teach me how to make amends, and bring this penitent, who has abandoned verse, and all pretence, to a happy end.

(There is a knock at the door.)

Romeo approaches the door but does not open it.

Romeo: Who is it?

Maria (with a strong country accent) Maria, your true love.

(Romeo struggles to remember who she is.)

Romeo: Madam, I am not sure I know…

Maria (with some anger): The woman with the pies.

(Recollection crosses Romeo’s face.) Ah yes.

Maria: I have come for your love, as once you said I should.

Romeo: My dear lady, I’m sorry, but my heart has quite forgotten you.

Maria (bursting open the door. She is


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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