FRANCESCA So…you two haven’t seen each...

Don Juan

Francesca Juan Mary

See more scenes from Juan Ramirez, Jr.


FRANCESCA So…you two haven’t seen each other in, how long?

MARY Fifteen years…

FRANCESCA -that’s a long-

MARY …nine months…


MARY …eight days…

FRANCESCA (Waits) I’m going to ask you-

MARY …and sixteen hours.

FRANCESCA Do you have it by the second?

MARY No, that would be too much.

FRANCESCA Mary, I’m going to ask you a few questions and please reply with the question in your answer, okay?

MARY Understood.

FRANCESCA What is your name?

MARY My name is Mary.

FRANCESCA And you’re last name?

MARY I rather not. I have a warrant.

FRANCESCA How old are you?

MARY You never ask that of a woman.

FRANCESCA I understand. Where were you born?

MARY Do you really need all of this information?

FRANCESCA It would help to have some kind of profile.

MARY I live in


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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