JO. Let not thy queen be left in ignoran...

Oedipus (Oedipus Rex, Oedipus the King)

Oedipus Jocasta

See more scenes from Sophocles


JO. Let not thy queen be left in ignorance

What cause thou hadst to lift thy wrath so high.

OED. I'll tell thee, lady, for I honour thee

More than these citizens. 'Twas Creon there,

And his inveterate treason against me.

JO. Accuse him, so you make the quarrel plain.

OED. He saith I am the murderer of the King.

JO. Speaks he from hearsay, or as one who knows?

OED. He keeps his own lips free: but hath suborned

A rascal soothsayer to this villany.

JO. Hearken to me, and set your heart at rest

On that you speak of, while I make you learn

No mortal thing is touched by soothsaying.

Of that I'll give thee warrant brief and plain.

Word came to Laius once, I will not say

From Phoebus' self, but from his ministers,

The King should be destroyed by his own son,

If son were born to him from me. What


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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