ENTER Lady Easy Sir Char. My dear, how...

The Careless Husband

Sir Charles Easy Lady Easy

See more scenes from Colley Cibber


ENTER Lady Easy

Sir Char. My dear, how do you do? You are dress’d very early today, are you going out?

L. Easy. Only to church, my dear.

Sir Char. Is it so late then?

L. Easy. The bell has just rung.

Sir Char. Well, child, how does the Windsor air agree with you? Do you find yourself any better yet? Or have you a mind to go to London again?

L. Easy. No, indeed, my dear; the air’s so very pleasant, that if it were a place of less company, I could be content to end my days here.

Sir Char. Prithee, my dear, what sort of company would most please you?

L. Easy. When business would permit it, yours; and in your absence, a sincere friend, that were truly happy in an honest husband, to sit a cheerful hour, and talk in mutual praise of our condition.

Sir Char. Are you really very happy, my


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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