JACK Very interesting concept, Samantha....

Samantha and the Glass Ceiling

Jack Winkle Samantha Morgan

See more scenes from Tom Attea Arthur Abrams


JACK Very interesting concept, Samantha. Lovely feminine designs.

SAMANTHA Thank you.

JACK (holds up bottle of wine) Sure you don’t want a little?

SAMANTHA Thank you. But, as I said, it makes me sleepy. I don’t mind it in the evening, though.

JACK Funny. It has the opposite effect on me. (winks; points to designs on table) We can talk more about these later. Tell me a little about yourself. You’ve been working at the company for a few years now, and I just realized I hardly know anything about you.

SAMANTHA Oh, there’s not much to say. I’m just a hard-working single girl in Manhattan.

JACK I bet you’ve got men falling all over themselves to date you.

SAMANTHA Not really. I haven’t been that interested in dating for a while.

JACK Oh, why is that?

SAMANTHA I’ve just been too busy.


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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