LISA (to Lisa, without looking up from h...

Digital Dilemmas

Mike Allwin Pat Allwin John Allwin Lisa Allwin

See more scenes from Tom Attea Arthur Abrams


LISA (to Lisa, without looking up from her iPhone) Well?

JOHN (without looking at her) What?

LISA I texted you over five minutes ago.

JOHN Can’t you see I’m in the middle of a game with my friends?

LISA Answer me as soon as you lose.

JOHN Thanks. Don’t hold your breath.

PAT I can't believe it! New Visa restrictions are making it harder for international artists to get into the country. (to Mike) Might make a good topic for my show. (he keeps working) Did you hear me, Mike? (looks at kids) Does anybody hear me?

MIKE Did you say something, dear?

PAT A number of times.

MIKE Sorry, Pat. I'm prepping for a distance-learning class I’m giving on Bertrand Russell. Be with you momentarily. Talk with the kids.

PAT How? (calls) Children. (no response) Oh, children. (still no reponse; to


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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