Sharvilaka. This is Vasantasenā's house....

Little Clay Cart

Vasantasenā Sharvilaka Madanikā

See more scenes from Shudraka


Sharvilaka. This is Vasantasenā's house. I will enter. (He does so.)

I wonder where I can find Madanikā. (Enter Madanikā with the fan. Sharvilaka discovers her.) Ah, it is Madanikā

Surpassing Madana himself in charm,

She seems the bride of Love, in human guise;

Even while my heart the flames of passion harm,

She brings a sandal coolness to my eyes.


Madanikā. (Discovers Sharvilaka.) Oh, oh, oh, Sharvilaka! I am so glad, Sharvilaka. Where have you been?

Sharvilaka. I will tell you. (They gaze at each other passionately.)

Vasantasenā. How Madanikā lingers! I wonder where she is. (She looks through a bull's-eye window.) Why, there she stands, talking with a man. Her loving glance does not waver, and she gazes as if she would drink him in. I imagine he must be the man who wishes to


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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