DAVENPORT: Captain? (*There is no respon...

A Soldier's Play

Captain Richard Davenport Captain Charles Taylor

See more scenes from Charles Fuller


DAVENPORT: Captain? (There is no response. For a moment or two, Davenport looks around. He is somewhat annoyed.) Captain?

(He starts out. Taylor enters. He crosses the room to his desk, where he sits.)

TAYLOR: I asked you back here because I wanted you to see the request I’ve sent to Colonel Nivens to have your investigation terminated.

[... … …]

DAVENPORT: Then you never believed the Klan was involved?

TAYLOR: No. Now, can you see why this thing needs - someone else?

DAVENPORT: What did they tell you, Captain? Byrd and Wilcox?

TAYLOR: They’re not going to let you charge those two men!

DAVENPORT: (snaps) Tell me what they told you!

Charles Fuller, A Soldier’s Play, Concord Theatricals, 1944 pp. 25-27.

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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