SPACEDUST I liked seeing the snow-covere...


Nebula Spacedust

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SPACEDUST I liked seeing the snow-covered mountains. What did you say the name is that the earthlings gave them?

NEBULA (with guidebook) The Swiss Alps. And this is the city of Geneva. An important meeting is taking place here now.

SPACEDUST Who's there?

NEBULA It's called The Group of Seven. It's comprised of the leaders of the seven most economically advanced nations -- not necessarily to be confused with other attributes we consider advanced.

SPACEDUST Should we look in on them?

NEBULA Exactly what I had in mind. But first let's wrap up the first report to our glorious leader. I'm certain he's eager to hear our thoughts.

SPACEDUST Do you think we've learned enough to do it?

NEBULA I think we've taken a random sample. What do you think so far?

SPACEDUST Well, I did notice some


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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