DON: Bob . . . BOB: What? DON: You...

American Buffalo

Don "Donny" Dubrow Bob "Bobby"

See more scenes from David Mamet


DON: Bob . . .

BOB: What?

DON: You know what?

BOB: No.

DON: I was thinking, you know, we might hold off on this thing. (Pause)

BOB: You want to hold off on it?

[... … …]

DON: You see what I’m talking about?

BOB: Yes.

DON: Like it never happened.

BOB: I know.

DON: So you see what I’m saying.

BOB: Yes. (Pause) I’m gonna go.

Mamet, David, American Buffalo, Concord Theatricals, pp. 40-43.

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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