WILSON How could you just suddenly: disa...


Wilson Susan

See more scenes from Charles L. Mee


WILSON How could you just suddenly: disappear?

SUSAN I didn't.

WILSON I thought you did. And I thought you loved me.

SUSAN Well, I do love you.

WILSON Oh, yes, you love me, but you don't love me in that way.

SUSAN I never pretended to love you in that way.

WILSON I can't go on in life without being loved in that way.

SUSAN A lot of people are never loved in that way.

WILSON How can you tell if you are really alive if you're never loved in that way?

SUSAN What do you mean: in that way?

WILSON Unless I thought you were crazy for me so crazy for me you couldn't stand it you just had to kiss me you just had to knock me down and kiss me because you couldn't stand it that you laughed at my jokes or thought I was so cool or like said really intelligent things that made you think maybe not all of


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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