_Lights come up. Brian is lying on the l...

An American Worker

Brian Deb

See more scenes from Tom Attea Arthur Abrams


Lights come up. Brian is lying on the living room floor, with a syringe by his arm. Deb enters. Sees him and runs to him. Kneels.

DEB Brian, what’s wrong? (sees needle) Aw, Jesus Christ! Not shootin’ up too!


DEB I thought you swore off the pills. And now you’re shootin’ up instead? You get that shit from Deke?

BRIAN (groggily) None of your business. Just leave me alone.

DEB How can you say that to me? This is Deb -- the woman you’re supposed to love and the mother-to-be of your child.

He pushes her away and falls back down on the floor.

DEB You pushed me. You know that? Seven months pregnant and just back from a full day’s work and you pushed me. Well, I ain’t gonna stand for it, Brian. No sir, not this good, hard-workin’ woman. (takes his face in her hands)


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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