Ippolite Ippopolitovich Popolitipov: You...


Ippolite Ippopolitovich Popolitipov Katherina Serafima Gleb

See more scenes from Tony Kushner


Ippolite Ippopolitovich Popolitipov: You.
Katherina Serafima Gleb: What?
Ippolite Ippopolitovich Popolitipov: Have replaced myself in me.
Katherina Serafima Gleb: What?
Ippolite Ippopolitovich Popolitipov: The soul in me that on Judgment Day looked to ascend to bright Heaven has been smitten, obliterated, replaced in my by you.
[... …]
Ippolite Ippopolitovich Popolitipov: That night, that night, when I saw you that night, I was walking in the Arbat, you had fallen in the snow, sleeping in the gutter, dirty, drunk, rude, radiant: I was overwhelmed with lust, and then followed--love. Love. Love. Love. Love. (They are very close; he has almost won) Even in a corrupt and loveless world, love can be born.

Tony Kushner, “Slavs!” in Thinking About the Longstanding Problems of Virtue and

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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