Pol. (singing as curtain rises). "And sh...


Polly Eccles Sam Gerridge

See more scenes from Thomas William Robertson


Pol. (singing as curtain rises). "And she watched his department with anguish,

While the tears down in torrents did roll."

(Places skirt in box and leans her chin upon her hand).

There, there's the dress for poor Esther in case she gets the engagement, which I don't suppose she will; it's too good luck, and good luck never comes to her, poor thing. (Rises and goes up to cradle, up c, ) Baby's asleep still. How good he looks, as good as if he were dead, like his poor father, and alive too at the same time, like his dear self. Oh, dear me, it's a strange world. (Sits again as before, feeling for pocket for money.) Four and elevenpence; that must do for to-day and tomorrow. Esther's going to bring in the rusks for Georgie. (Takes up slate.) Three, five, eight and four,


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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