Charity: The doctor wants to operate. Ti...


Charity Brown Tildy

See more scenes from Georgia Douglas Johnson


Charity: The doctor wants to operate. Tildy: Where he—gone? Charity: Yes—he’s gone, but he’s coming back—if I send for him? Tildy: You going to? Charity: I dunno—I got to think. Tildy: I can’t see what’s the use myself—he can’t save her with no operation—coffee grounds don’t lie. Charity: It would take all the money I got for the operation and then—he can’t save her—I know he can’t—I feel it…I feel it. Tildy: It's in the air…

(Just then a strange strangling noise comes from the inner room)

Tildy: What’s that… Charity: (Running toward and into inner room) Oh my God. (Charity is heard moaning softly in the next room then she appears at doorway, leans against jam of door) Rip the hem out sister Tildy.

Citation: Georgia Douglas Johnson, Plumes, Public domain, 1927.

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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