Ang. (Aside.) What have I to do with Sig...

The Beneficent Bear

Geronte Dorval Angelica

See more scenes from Carlo Goldoni


Ang. (Aside.) What have I to do with Signor Dorval? I can go away.

Dor. Mademoiselle Angelica!

Ang. Sir?

Dor. Have you seen your uncle? Has he told you nothing?

Ang. I saw him this morning, sir.

Dor. Before he went out of the house?

Ang. Yes, sir.

Dor. Has he returned?

Ang. No, sir.

Dor. (Aside.) Good. She knows nothing of it.

Ang. Excuse me, sir. Is there anything new in which I am concerned?

Dor. Your uncle takes much interest in you.

Ang. (With modesty.) He is very kind.

Dor. (Seriously.) He thinks often of you.

Ang. It is fortunate for me.

Dor. He thinks of marrying you. (Angelica appears modest.) What say you to it? Would you like to be married?

Ang. I depend on my uncle.

Dor. Shall I say anything more to you on the subject?

Ang. (With a little curiosity.) But—as you please, sir.

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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