Mrs. Whittaker [Obviously.] Oh, there yo...

Easy Virtue

Mrs Whittaker Marion Whittaker

See more scenes from Noël Coward


Mrs. Whittaker [Obviously.] Oh, there you are, Marion.

Marion Father's intolerable.

Mrs. Whittaker What's the matter?

Marion He never loses an opportunity of jeering at me.

Mrs. Whittaker He's an exceedingly selfish man — he knows perfectly well how rushed and worried I am, and he never attempts to help. I found him in here, on the floor, with Larita.

Marion On the floor?

Mrs. Whittaker Yes; they'd been playing cards, and dropped them, or something.

Marion I wish Larita wouldn't slack about indoors all day. It isn't healthy.

Mrs. Whittaker [Seeing "Sodom and Gomorrah"] Whose is that book?

Marion Hers, of course.

Mrs. Whittaker Well, please take it up to her room. I don't like that kind of literature left in the hall — especially when there are young people about.

Marion You'd


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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