Sarah Bring me some lemonade in here, Jo...

Easy Virtue

Sarah Hurst John Whittaker

See more scenes from Noël Coward


Sarah Bring me some lemonade in here, John — it's so nice and cool.

John [Going out on to veranda.] I wish you were dining too.

Sarah I've got to be at home and help mother with our party. I ought to be there now, really.

John [Off-] Wouldn't you rather have ginger beer?

Sarah No — lemonade, please.

John Right. [After a moment he returns with lemonade for Sarah and ginger beer for himself.]

Sarah [Taking it.] Thanks.

John Pretty hot player, Philip.

Sarah He nearly killed me.

John Keep a lot of dances for me to-night, won't you?

Sarah Of course.

John It ought to be fun, if it keeps fine.

Sarah Where's Lari, I wonder?

John Reading somewhere, I expect.

Sarah She looked divine at lunch.

John It's funny you liking her. I was afraid you wouldn't.

Sarah Why?

John Oh, I don't know — she's so


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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