SETTING: The living room of Diane Bongio...

Old Ringers

Diane Bongiorno Amanda Bongiorno Verna Kathy Anne Rose Monahan Harry

See more scenes from Joe Simonelli


SETTING: The living room of Diane Bongiorno and her daughter Amanda. Front door is back left. Bedroom is up right. Kitchen is down left. There is a couch, easy chair, dining room table and chairs.

AT RISE: Amanda, a thirty one year old ‘Evangelical born again Christian’ is sitting at dining room table working on her lap top.

AMANDA (to herself as she types her blog) ‘Salvation can only truly be gained by those willing to forgo the physical rewards of the flesh for the spiritual rewards of the soul!’ There, that sounds about right!

DIANE (From bedroom) Amanda Honey…did you bring in the mail?

AMANDA Yes mother, it’s right here on the table. (she grabs five letters and holds them up)

DIANE (enters holding a glass of Vodka, she grabs the letters) Thanks sweetie…what are you up to?


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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