John I suppose mother's upset, isn't she...

Easy Virtue

Colonel Whittaker John Whittaker

See more scenes from Noël Coward


John I suppose mother's upset, isn't she?

Colonel A little, I think.

John You think she'll get over it, though, don't you ?

Colonel I expect so. Don't worry.

John It must have been an awful shock for her — for you both.

Colonel My dear boy, this sort of thing's always a shock — it's unavoidable.

John You like Lari, though, don't you, father?

Colonel She seems charming.

John Oh, she is — she's more than that — she's wonderful.

Colonel She's older than I thought.

John Yes, but that doesn't matter really, does it? — I mean if people really care for one another.

Colonel I don't know. It might — later on.

John [Haltingly.] You mean — children?

Colonel Not altogether.

John I don't suppose we shall have any children.

Colonel No — I don't suppose you will.

John But Marion's married, and Hilda


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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