JULES. So wait, what’s the plan again?...

Everyday Charlie

Jared/Jess Jules & Rachel

See more scenes from Julie Drexler Johnson Michael Alan Johnson Haley Tomsheck Paul Smallman Summer Dregs


JULES. So wait, what’s the plan again?

JARED. Jeez, it’s not a hard plan! For gifted students you two can be really dense.

RACHEL. My primary areas of study are world history and the classics.

JULES. And I’m like, a visual learner!

JARED (Sighs) Okay, so the big plan is, you two grab his arms and I swirl his head around in the water fountain, get his hair all wet and stuff. We need to teach him a lesson for the way he acted at lunch today!

RACHEL. Can’t we do something to him after school?

JULES. Some of us have things to do after school Rachel.

RACHEL. Like what? Isn’t the only club that meets today the knitting club?

JULES. (RACHEL and JARED stare at him--he realizes he’s been caught) My Gram Gram taught me to do it, okay! And knitting is really meditative!



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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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