CHARLIE. Olive, are you there? This is a...

Everyday Charlie

Charlie Olive/Oliver

See more scenes from Julie Drexler Johnson Michael Alan Johnson Haley Tomsheck Paul Smallman Summer Dregs


CHARLIE. Olive, are you there? This is a code-red. I repeat this is a code-red! Over.


CHARLIE. I hope you can hear me. I need your help today after school. You know your advice to confront Jared? Well, I took it. And everything got totally out of control. The whole fifth grade saw me challenge him to a kickoff. And now the last kickball is gone. Into Crusher territory. I have a chance to save recess. Can you hear me? Are you there!? Over.

(Another painful pause.)

OLIVE. Charlie!! My walkie was totally buried in my backpack, but I heard the whole thing! So did my entire family, but that’s besides the point. What’s the plan? Over.

CHARLIE. Thank goodness. I think I have an idea. I need you to bring that medicine your mom gives your dog when he’s anxious. Meet me at Sunrise after


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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