START: Olwen (distressed). Robert, pleas...

Dangerous Corner

Robert Caplan Freda Caplan Olwen Peel

See more scenes from J.B. Priestley


START: Olwen (distressed). Robert, please don’t drink any more to- night. I know how you feel, but it’ll only make you worse — really, it will.

Robert. What does it matter ? I’m through, anyway.

Olwen. Robert, I can’t bear seeing you like this. You don’t know how it hurts me.

Robert. I’m sorry, Olwen, I really am sorry. You’re the only one who’s really come out of this. I know that. Strange, isn’t it — that you should have been feeling like that about me all the time?

[... …]

END: Olwen (half screaming). No, Robert, no. This is horrible, mad. Please, please don’t go on. (Quieter.) It won’t seem like this to- morrow.

Robert ( crazy now). To-morrow. To-morrow. I tell you. I’m through. I’m through. There can’t be a to-morrow.

(He turns and rushes out.)

Freda ( screaming , moving down to

All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.


All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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