Donna Hey, watch it. Stephen Oh sorry...

Disco Loves Rock: A 70s Musical

Stephen Donna

See more scenes from Philip Streva


Donna Hey, watch it.

Stephen Oh sorry. Hey, you’re that disco girl from my math class. Donna right?

Donna Yes. Gross. You’re that rocker dude. (she starts to walk away)

Stephen Wait, can we talk?

Donna I don’t know. My friends would puke if they saw me talking to you.

Stephen Ha, ha. My friends wouldn’t like it either. So, how did you like the movie? This was my second time going.

Donna It was great! One of my friends told me I just had to see it. I’m glad he did. It was worth it.

Stephen Yea, I agree.

Donna Hey, why were you such a jerk to me in class the other day?

Stephen Well Donna, I had to take up for my fellow Rocker’s dude! (laughs) Plus, maybe I was showing off to you a little. (he winks)

Donna (A little surprised) Showing off? I didn’t think you ever even


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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