BODIE. Are you afraid of her, Cinderella...

A Kiss for Cinderella

Mr. Bodie Cinderella

See more scenes from Sir James Matthew (J.M.) Barrie


BODIE. Are you afraid of her, Cinderella? I am.

CINDERELLA. No! She sometimes dashes me, but she is a fearful kind lady. She’s very particular about her feet.

BODIE. Is she! In a feminine way?


BODIE. Hurray! Then I have her. The Achilles Heel! (He is once more jerked down.)

CINDERELLA. I have a spring bed.


CINDERELLA. The first time I woke in hospital, an angel with streamers was standing there holding a tray in her hand, and on the tray was a boiled egg. Then I thought it was the egg you get the day before you die.

BODIE. What egg is that?

CINDERELLA. In the Workhouse you always get an egg to your tea the day before you die. I know now I’m not the real Cinderella.

BODIE. How did you find out?

CINDERELLA. It’s come to me. The more I eat the clearer I see

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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