OLD MAN: What mischief brings you hither...

At the Hawk's Well

Old Man Cuchulain/Young Man

See more scenes from William Butler Yeats


OLD MAN: What mischief brings you hither?

You are like those

Who are crazy for the shedding of men's blood,

And for the love of women.

YOUNG MAN: A rumour has led me,

A story told over the wine towards dawn.

I rose from table, found a boat, spread sail,

And with a lucky wind under the sail

Crossed waves that have seemed charmed, and found this shore.

OLD MAN: There is no house to sack among these hills

Nor beautiful woman to be carried off.

YOUNG MAN: You should be native here, for that rough tongue

Matches the barbarous spot. You can, it may be,

Lead me to what I seek, a well wherein

Three hazels drop their nuts and withered leaves,

And where a solitary girl keeps watch

Among grey boulders. He who drinks, they say,

Of that miraculous water lives for ever.



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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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