CLARA (folding the letter). There it is...


Alfred Evelyn Clara Douglas

See more scenes from Edward Bulwer-Lytton


CLARA (folding the letter). There it is decided! A few days, and we are parted forever! a few weeks, and another will bear his name--his wife! Oh, happy fate! She will have the right to say to him--though the whole world should hear her "I am thine!" And I embitter their lot--I am the cloud upon their joyous sunshine! And yet, O Alfred! if she loves thee--if she knows thee--if she values thee--and, when thou wrong'st her, if she can forgive, as I do, I can bless her, when far away, and join her name in my prayers for thee!

EVELYN (without). Miss Vesey just gone? Well, I will write a line.. (Aside.) So--Clara! Do not let me disturb you, Miss Douglas.

CLARA (going). Nay, I have done.

EVELYN. I see that my presence is always odious to you. It is a reason why I come so seldom.


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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