Sir William: _(Facing Rose)_ My mind is...

Trelawny of the Wells

Rose Trelawny Vice-Chancellor Sir William Gower, Kt.

See more scenes from Arthur Wing Pinero


Sir William: (Facing Rose) My mind is not commonly a wavering one, Miss Trelawny, but it has taken me some time一months一to decide upon calling on ye.

Rose: Won’t you sit down?

Sir William: (After a pause of hesitation, sitting upon the dress basket) Ugh!

Rose: (With quiet dignity) Have we no chairs? Do we lack chairs here, Sir William?

(He gives her a quick, keen look, then rises and walks to the fire)

Sir William: (Suddenly, bringing his stick down upon the table with violence) My grandson! My grandson! Where is he?

Rose: Arthur一!

Sir William: I had but one.

Rose: Isn’t he一in Cavendish Square一?

Sir William: Isn’t he in Cavendish Square! No, he is not in Cavendish Square, as you know well.

Rose: Oh, I don’t know一

Sir William: Tsch!

Rose: When did he leave you?

Sir William: Tsch!



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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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