Sir William: _(After a pause, to Rose)_...

Trelawny of the Wells

Rose Trelawny Vice-Chancellor Sir William Gower, Kt.

See more scenes from Arthur Wing Pinero


Sir William: (After a pause, to Rose) Is this一the case?

Rose: (Standing, and speaking in a low voice) Yes. As you have noticed, fortune has turned against me, rather.

Sir William: (Penitently) I一I’m sorry, ma’am. I一I believe ye’ve kept your word to us concerning Arthur. I一I一

Rose: (Not heeding him, looking before her, dreamily) My mother knew how fickle fortune could be to us gypsies. One of the greatest actors that ever lived warned her of that一

Sir William: Miss Gower will also feel extremely一extremely一

Rose: Kean once warned mother of that.

Sir William: (In an altered tone) Kean? Which Kean?

Rose: Edmund Kean. My mother acted with Edmund Kean when she was a girl.

Sir William: (Approaching her slowly, speaking in a queer voice) With Kean? With Kean!

Rose: Yes.

Sir William: (At her side,


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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