ANDY What are you doing? Let me go!...

Mikey Wears Braces

Mike Andy

See more scenes from Jennifer Reichert


ANDY What are you doing? Let me go!

MIKE Now! I’m supposed to be on now! You’re going in!

ANDY They’re right there!

MIKE So what?! Tell them to get out of your way! Tell your friends to f##k their stupid-ass hookup plan, ‘cuz you have something important to do!

ANDY Let go of me!

He keeps pulling. She kicks his knee.

MIKE (letting go) Goddamnit!

ANDY (rushing away) You’re a bastard.

MIKE Why won’t you help me?

He pounds on the door.

MIKE (cont'd) Let me in! Heeeeeeelp! You’re going to ruin everything! HEEEELP! I’m locked out! ANYBODY!

No answer.

ANDY I’m sorry, Mike. I can’t do it.

MIKE Because of the mean girls.

ANDY Screw you.

MIKE Are they not going to speak to you? Are they gonna give you the cold shoulder? Are they gonna say you’re mean, and ruin everybody’s fun?


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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